
Minggu, 25 September 2011

Is That Cool to be Bullies?

This article is clearly not about movie. I'm not gonna talk about a movie which is discuss bullying theme. What I'm gonna discuss now is my respond about suicide of a boy that just happened last week in America. He is Jamey Rodemeyer, 13-years boy who committed suicide after being bullied.

Each fall nowadays, as the students return to school, bullying issue makes the news again. It is usually related to tragic suffering of minority kid with no power to defend. Despite the age of bullies, still, bullying isn't just a cruel but also a crime.

Who was Jamey Rodemeyer? Jamey was just ordinary boy, not ordinary, lots of difference he once had. He wasn't 'masculine' in physically way. He don't do sports, he don't like 'manly stuff' others likes. He was into Lady Gaga. He said she was his hero. Gaga's music made him more rigid as the time goes by, due to bullying he always get in school. Ya, he was kind of nerd guy I guess. 

People didn't like him. Not because his attittude. I'm pretty sure he was trying to be so nice to others, but too bad no one give him a value. I don't know for how long or for how many years he already suffered for this. But what I heard from news, he reportedly was bullied with gay slurs for more than a year. Gay? Was Jamey a gay? Ya, he was. Four months ago, precisely on May, Jamey uploaded a 2-minutes video that describes the suffering he had been through for a long time. The video was uploaded to YouTube by the project that filters so many people who want to share their expression, compassion, even their belief of life. The project well-known as "It Gets Better". Jamey is one of those people. The purpose of this project is to give a hope. To those people who joins this project, it means they convinced theirself to be strong and don't give a shit to everyone else's evil words. So, why did Jamey changed his mind to took his own life? 
Yes, he changed. After the video uploaded in cyber-space, Jamey got so many rude respond of his sexuality. People intimidated him, I bet they were people in the same school. I'm pretty sure Jamey only felt his hope he got from "It Gets Better" for a little time, and then, intimidation flood on his soul. Though he found solaces in internet, like Formspring, Twitter, and Blog, apparently it didn't get any better. His friends and anti-gay people in school then started to bullied him in different space, which is cyber-space. Oh-my-god, you bullied him in real-life, and then it wasn't satisfied you? Not enough to make you laughing a lot? I feels like I wanna punch them all until now, even though they already apologised and Jamey's family forgave them. The cruelest words was headed to Jamey's Formspring, Among the messages left were :

  • "Kill your self!!!! You have nothing left!"
  • "Listen to us, you're a bad person, you don't belong here, jump off a bridge or something!"
  • "Go kill yourself, you're worthless, ugly and don't have a point to live."

Ya, it was his Formspring that attracted the most hurtfull feeling. He was very active on the social media networking, lets say Twitter and Tumblr (did I already say that?). If I were him, I would be as upset as Jamey was. Can you imagine how painful Jamey felt? I'm not trying to be so dramatic. This news just upset me down. I just saw his Twitter account, and scrolled it down to see his tweets. The account dominated with his expression of being bullied. Some of them were :

  • "You make me so proud when I'm getting bullied"
  • "Already started school and they're already making fun of me again"

The last tweet of him were took time on Sept 18. 2011, the same day he took his own life. He mentioned @ladygaga on his last tweet :
  • "@ladygaga bye mother monster, thank you for all you have done, paws up forever"

Can you still imagine how bad it was for him? After then, he committed to suicide. America is shaking, Buffalo in particular. I don't know what way he chose to did his suicide, but one source says that the body found outside his house. 

I forgot to tell you, I found this news from my friend in Chicago. He was not really give attention to this, but its funny I am the who who turned very excessive to respond this story. Because of this, I searched the same cases and I found some. My biggest attention goes to Ryan Halligan, was 13-years old boy who committed suicide after being bullied in both real-life and cyber-space.

He took his own life in October 7. 2003 by hanging himself on bathroom. He was born in December 18. 1989, in New York City. Sometimes I wish his family weren't decided to move to Essex Junction, Vermont. Ya, there was the city Ryan passed his short life. He attended Albert D. Lawton Middle School and there were the story began. Ryan's interest just as the same as Jamey Rodemeyer was. He was not good at sports, he was really into arts and kind of pop music, he wasn't 'manly' at all like everyone elses think what is the truly definition of that word. He was very sensitive guy, as his father describes himself. People in the school saw Ryan as the target of their mischief. The fact that he was a bit different to the most boys made the others thought that he is gay, although the real fact he wasn't. The bullies continued their behaviour for almost two years and I guess Ryan kept to be strong as the time goes by. 
In December 2002, Ryan asked his father to buy him a boxing set for Christmas gift and his request was fulfilled. After that, Ryan and John Halligan, his dad, took basement as the practice place, and they did the routine practice for 2hours every night. And then Ryan got defending ability, John told him not to use his boxing skill for hatred, but just in case if somebody disturb him. It worked, for a little time. Ryan had a fight with the bullies and it was ended by school staff. Following the fight, Ryan confessed that he and the bullies were became a friends. It was just a trick. The bullies were still kept their need to do bullying. 

During the summer of 2003 Ryan was getting bullied again, in cyber-space. John told media that his son were spending much time on social networking like Aol Messenger and some other thing. Then for the first time he were being cyberbullied, and in school also. John found out his son once ran out from school with tears. Ryan had a crush with popular girl named Ashley and they were doing chat regularly. But apparently she was also a mean. Ashley pretended to be like him but later in school he humilliated him with some friends and shouted "loser" to Ryan. 

The following time, he begun to communicating with cyberspace friend and they were exchanging some information about how to painlessly suicide. He also browsing some source in internet that taught the same thing about suicide. The climax took time on October 7. 2003 when everybody elses were sleeping and John dissapeared to work. His sister went to the bathroom and found his body hanging in there. There were plenty of suicides cases like this. Megan Meier committed suicide after being cyberbullied on MySpace. Phoebe Prince also died because of suicide after being harassed and bullied with the fact she dated popular guy. How silly was that?!

I've been asking to those bullies, what is the point to bully? To satisfy you? It is obviously none of your business to interrupt other's  weakness or the minority. With you push someone on the hallway or into lockers, or shout some painful words directly in front of someone face, would it make you feel mighty and better? Does bullying give people an advantage? Hell to the no. The exact reason of bullies to do that is to making fun of people. They must be think how it feels not only in their side, but in their target mind. People who bullied Jamey Rodemeyer, Ryan Halligan, and the others should be held accountable for their actions, their hates, and all harm they have caused. Very difficult to answer if everyone were asking "who is to blame?" or "who should be arrested?". The age of the bullies is a factor in what police cannot do and make it a lawsuit, than definitely can be so hard to get. The most heartbreaking words comes from John Halligan mouth, which are: "Nothing can ever bring back our Ryan. Nothing will ever heal our broken hearts". I really hope to those bullies who still making fun of this out there, please stop it. Very sad about Jamey who took his life because being teased about his sexuality. Sexuality is a choice and not a sin, and not fun to laugh at it. I told my mother about Jamey, and the thing that shocked her out wasn't the bullying case nor why did a innocent boy ended his life bravely. What my mom asked; "How can he turned into gay? Why he loved boys?". Sorry to say, doesn't mean to be brash, but her mindset of sexuality is as same as dumb people's way of thinking. Please give them your respect if you don't want case like this come to you. Whether you be the victim or the suspect, I don't know. 
All of these suicide and cyberbullying issue has been received international attention. Once you, the bullies, come to the TV screen, no one would give you a respect. Instead, the hatred they will punch to your mind just like the same as you did. Please, find your maturity and be perceptive. 

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